Deposit and Withdraw

Deposits to & Withdraws from the specified lending pool. When you deposit to the lending pool, the corresponding "inToken" will be minted as a receipt token that represents your shares of the pool.


To deposit to a lending pool, users must perform 2 steps:

  1. transfer underlying token to the pool

  2. call mintTo on InitCore

The action returns shares of the lending pool.

inToken decimals may be different from the underlying token's decimals. Currently, it is set to 8 + underlyingToken.decimals() to conform to the ERC-4626 standard.

The above 2 steps must be performed in a single transaction (atomically) to avoid potential front-run attack.

// Example deposit function
function deposit(address lendingPool, uint256 amount, address receiver) external returns (uint256 shares) {
    // .. transfer in the tokens to this address ..
    // 1. transfer tokens to the lending pool
    IERC20(underlyingToken).safeTransfer(lendingPool, amount);

    // 2. call mintTo
    shares = IInitCore(INIT_CORE).mintTo(lendingPool, receiver);


To withdraw from a lending pool, users must perform 2 steps:

  1. transfer inToken to the pool

  2. call burnTo on InitCore

The action returns amount of underlying token to be received.

The above 2 steps must be performed in a single transaction (atomically) to avoid potential front-run attack.

// Example withdraw function
function withdraw(address lendingPool, uint256 sharesToBurn, address receiver) external returns (uint256 amount) {
    // 1. transfer inTokens to the lending pool
    IERC20(lendingPool).safeTransfer(lendingPool, sharesToBurn);

    // 2. call burnTo
    amount = IInitCore(INIT_CORE).burnTo(lendingPool, receiver);

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